Obama Medal Meme

Obama Medal

Obama Medal refers to a Meme Format of a photoshopped image of the former United States President Barack Obama Medaling Himself popularly known as Obama Medal Obama.

Obama Medal Meme Template

Obama Medal Meme Template Obama Medal Obama

The Obama Medal Meme Template refers to a Meme Format of a photoshopped image of Barack Obama awarding himself a medal. The photoshopped photograph of Obama Medalling Himself originates from the original photograph of Barack Obama the former United States President awarding the Presidential Medal of freedom to Bruce Springsteen who was replaced by Obama himself in the photoshopped version resulting in the "Obama Medal Meme". The popular use of the Obama Medal Meme is to mock or make fun of someone who is praising themselves.

Use our Free Meme Generator to customize the Meme Templates of Barack Obama in HD and download to create your own version of Obama Medal Memes, Gifs, Stickers, and more.

Obama Medal Original

Obama Medal Original

The Obama Medal Original refers to an original photograph of Barack Obama the former United States President awarding the Presidential Medal of freedom to Bruce Springsteen from which the photoshopped image of the Obama Medal Meme originated.

Use our Free Meme Generator to customize the Meme Templates of Barack Obama and other politicians in HD and download to create your own version of Barack Obama Memes, Gifs, Stickers, and more.

Obama Medal Memes

Obama Medal Memes

Obama Medal Memes refers to the latest collection of Barack Obama the former United States President awarding himself a medal over the neck Memes. The Obama Medal Memes are based on a Meme Templates of Barack Obama provided by Memetemplates.in above. Download the Obama Medal Memes and share them with your friends and family over social media.

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